LCE-Cameroon works on the fundamental problem in the education system, which is the limited availability of practical teaching resources that can help students develop their practical competencies. This lack of practical focus in teaching practices can result in students being ill-equipped to apply the theoretical knowledge they learn in class to real-world situations.
To address this issue, we propose combining the theoretical content taught in formal classes with practical activities in various fields such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and others. This can help students develop their practical competencies and apply the theoretical knowledge they learn in class to real-world situations.
By putting life skills development at the center of teaching practices, we believe that it can help solve many social problems such as poverty, unemployment, crime, and violence. This is because students who have practical competencies and life skills are better equipped to navigate the challenges of the real world and to succeed in their future careers.
Overall, our approach to combining theory and practice in teaching practices can help create a more well-rounded and practical education system that prepares students for success in the real world. By equipping students with practical competencies and life skills, all together, we can help create a more prosperous and socially responsible society. Please let's build together a better future for our children.